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    Finding Manufacturers for B2B Sales

    Manufacturing Companies Category| Scott's Info
    Manufacturing companies in canada

    Finding the right manufacturer for B2B sales might be simpler than you think, however it requires knowing who you wish to select and who is right for your business. The easiest route would be to go to the big brands that everyone already knows, but that might not be the right option for your specific needs. We will be going over a few quick tips on how to find reliable manufacturers in Canada.

    Finding Manufacturers

    While you can go to a manufacturer’s website that is offering supplies for anyone who is interested, you may find better results by approaching companies directly with what you want to do.

    A great strategy for this would be going to sites such as Alibaba and directly contacting them or scouring manufacturing companies in Canada relating to the merchandise you are wanting to sell. But first, it is best to gather info into one place such as creating a spreadsheet that includes contact info, their website, and the product that relates to your interests. This will immensely help if you are working with a team and are deciding on what will be right for the company overall.


    This is perhaps one of the most important steps, the product that you are wanting to receive from a manufacturer and sell to another business must meet the quality standards that the company and their customers expect. You are essentially a middle man in this operation and are the closest one to blame should you buy from a source that has issues with quality control which can not only use lose business but also put a strain on your overall reputation when looking for a buyer in the future.

    Testing the product yourself is a great way to see what you are selling, but it’s also good to research the manufacturer’s reputation and look for legitimate reviews. While sites like Alibaba are a great place to search for manufacturers, there are quite a few questionable products you can find on the internet which makes testing the product yourself even more valuable.

    Contacting and Landing a Deal

    Knowing how to talk to manufacturers when contacting them is key to landing a deal that you are shooting for. Be fully transparent and state your company’s legal name, share your website (if you have one), and why you are contacting them. Next, ask to talk to the sales department, even if they ask you to wait, you can still forward the message and see if they respond.

    The vast majority of manufacturers will want to work with you, a secure deal means they profit and that’s their goal at the end of the day. Scott’s Info can help provide you a list of manufacturing companies in Canada. If you would like to save time looking for the best suppliers for your business.

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