How Is Company Contacts Database Changing Sales Prospecting?
It is 2021, and if your company is not using a company database and other B2B prospecting software, why not! Such innovations are part of a wave of platforms that are helping to changes sales prospecting and making it a much more efficient and effective practice. An online company database like the one available through Scott’s Directories is a prime example.
More than 40 percent of salespeople agree that prospecting is the most challenging part of the sales process, followed by closing and qualifying. Thankfully, like everything else affected by technology, the very process of sales prospecting is changing rapidly. Today your potential clients have more power than ever before, thanks to expanded connectivity and widely available information. Chances are you’re not the only conduit to the information they need any more to make their decisions. That’s why enhancing the customer experience is rapidly becoming the most important aspect of relationship building and deal making. Top sales teams are the ones that build long lasting customers, which is why 51 percent of sales leaders focus their activity on establishing deeper relationships with clients. A business contacts database is a great tool to help in this process. Rather than engaging in unproductive cold-calling, your sales team can conduct intensive searches of an online company database and discover the direct contacts they need to reach. Customizing a B2B pitch for your product or service to an actual person is a good way to start a relationship with them.
A company contacts database can help shape your sales prospecting in other ways as well. Empowering your team by subscribing to such a service gives them instant access to the information they need to develop their lists. Sales prospecting in an ongoing event and needs to a top priority for sales and marketing teams; providing them with easily accessible information helps them to develop better prospecting habits, like setting a block of time aside each day to engage in the activity no matter what quarter it is. It takes an average of 18 calls to connect with an actual buyer, so having contact information is a huge advantage when prospecting.
An online company database is also a great way to develop quality leads rather than just a huge quantity. Developing a list with less leads but full of ones that are high-quality prospects, engaged and passionate about your B2B marketing, is more apt to put more active leads in your sales funnel. Eliminating low-quality leads is like pulling weeds, allowing you to spend time on the prospects that will help your sales grow. Speed up the cycle required to close the deal and reduce your operational inefficiencies by using the data found on your business contacts database.
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