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    Improve Sales Quality by Using Scott’s Directory for Your Business

    Marketing Database Category | Scott's Info
    Canada business directory

    The annual inflation rate in Canada for September, 2019, stood at 1.9 percent. What does that mean to your business? Well, if you want to keep up with inflation, it means you either raise your sales rate by 1.9 percent or cut costs by an equal amount. A business that is constantly cutting is eventually going to cut itself right out of business. That means your best strategy is developing tactics to improve B2B sales, and one great tool to help you achieve those results is a subscription to a Canadian business directory.

    The Right Business Tool Is An Online Directory

    Lots of sales reps walk through your door offering the perfect panacea for slumping sales. However, when your success relies on increasing your own B2B sales, there’s one tool that tops the list in terms of functionality and immediate impact. The Canada business directory list you can find using Scott’s Info is, without a doubt, one of the most effective tools you can use to improve both volume and dollar amount of B2B sales flowing into your business. Why? Think about the possibilities for potential sales when you can quickly log into a Canadian business directory database to search over 180,000 current business listings. You may task your sales people to generate a set number of new sales leads each week. They could spend that time searching all the traditional platforms, from phone directories to newspapers to generic online searches, OR, they could log into their account with Scott’s Info and start conducting qualified searches to a narrow list of high value potential prospects. Which do you think is the more effective strategy?

    Scott’s Info Helps Improve Sales

    Over 7,000 Canadian businesses go bankrupt each year. To avoid becoming part of the that statistic, it’s vital that businesses strive for growth by implementing sales strategies that improve conversion rates and increase revenue. By mining the comprehensive data available on businesses found in the Canadian business directory available through a subscription to Scott’s Info, B2B sales reps gain access to over 180,000 Canadian business listings. That’s a wealth of riches for any sales reps who is looking to put prospects in the sales funnel. Improving sales growth figures becomes so much easier when your team is spending more time selling and less time conducting research that doesn’t always deliver credible sales leads.

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