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    Using Intent Data for Account-Based Marketing

    Sales Strategy
    business to business directory

    Over the years B2B companies have been investing in account-based marketing (ABM). And not long ago, Intent Data has emerged as a resourceful tool in reinforcing ABM programs. Now, with the help of intent data, the sales and marketing team can prioritize their marketing efforts. Instead of relying on a wish list, they can now use actual data on accounts looking into their services or products.

    If you’re considering using this new and effective marketing tool, then you’ll need access to business to business directory. The data from this directory will help your sales and marketing team tailor contents that’ll fulfill the demand of prospects. As a result, you’ll be way more competitive boosting your chance of acquiring the client.

    Further, there’re tons of ways you can use intent data for account-based marketing. In this case, we’ll look at a fraction of these uses. Let’s start:

    • Generate Demand

    Thanks to intent data, the marketing team can identify and organize events for prospective accounts. Furthermore, identifying the right topic and location using this data will evoke higher attendance and meaningful conversions. As a result, your account-based marketing efforts will experience an unprecedented ROI.

    As you organize the event for demand generation, it’s essential to have a business-to-business directory. This directory will grant you access to the crucial business contact database you need when reaching out to these prospects. With the help of this info, the marketing team will enhance the turnout further.

    • Content Optimization

    One of the basic concepts of account-based marketing is content optimization and personalization. And this makes it easy to convert prospects researching your company’s services or products. Thanks to intent data, you’ll not only identify prospective clients but also your company’s services and products they’re interested in.

    Furthermore, these data will also shed light on whether the prospects are looking into competition offers. So, do you want to beat the competition and scoop the deal? Well, get access to the company contact database. In addition to intent data, the company contact database will help you craft tailored content that will evoke customer engagement.

    • Lead Generation

    From the brand standpoint, it’s valuable to dispense ads to target prospect accounts. However, this kind of marketing campaign seldom yields the results we were foreseeing (leads, inquiries, contact info). As a result, you fail as a business to attain the sales pipeline target. Because of this, it pays to employ intent data and boost your company’s lead generation campaigns. Also, when you partner with intent data providers, you can lower your ABM budget or contain it. And this is because you’ll spend your budget on leads within your campaign’s targeting parameters.

    • Reduce Churn

    This is one of the best uses of intent data even though it’s underutilized. When a customer churns, it’s a loss to the brand. Thanks to the prospects’ behavioral data, you can respond in time and prevent them from churning. The intent data will notify you when the client is looking into competition offers. As a result, your marketing and sales team can respond in time and prevent them from churning.

    Before you begin leveraging Intent Data for your ABM campaigns, it’s essential to access the company contact database. With the help of Scott’s Info, you’ll have access to target account contact info for a tailored approach.

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